Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Singhasan khaali karo ke janta aati hai !

I am completely with the current protests going on in India currently. But, the most important thing which has been taking my time is this – When the current protests end, what will happen?

Frankly speaking, I don’t know the answer to this question. There are multiple paths along which the future may unfold. There can be a situation where the ruling party somehow does a good damage control and capitalizes on its politics to come back to power and punish all those who protested against it. There can be a situation where the ruling party misleads everyone regarding accepting the demands of the protesters at election time to return to power. The ruling party can also come back to power and implement the changes being demanded by the protesters (which seems highly unlikely after seeing the track record of the current government in fulfilling such demands – Telangana issue). There is also the possibility of the opposition party coming back to power. BJP is being provided ample chances to capitalize on the situation and to benefit from it. However, due to lack of internal strength and coordination in the party, the party can easily be misguided. It is a possibility that BJP comes out as a stronger party after these protests and fulfils the demands of the protesters. It is also a possibility that the BJP, due to their inherent weaknesses, lose out on this opportunity to return to power. There is also one other possibility of everything turning violent – The moment things turn violent due to any reason, political parties will be the victors and will easily crush every flame of protest.

The above possibilities were on the political front. The future of the general Indian populace will be quite stark. With the current movement in place, a new public opinion is being created. The public mood of people from all genre is now becoming more vocal against corruption. There is a slight chance that the people might forget the corruption issues while voting (my assumption for this is because of the famous lines from the era of Julius Caesar, “The pulpit is fickle minded”). Irrespective of this, in general, people will apportion a fraction of their time towards thinking about the issue of corruption while voting. This will also have a multiple effect – This protest can have the trickle-down effect in the minds of the people leading them to think seriously and practically about the core issues of social & economic development while electing their representatives.

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