Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Digital vs. Analog

An interesting topic to write on especially in this world of automation and computers. Everywhere there is the buzz of computers. Many people also know the mantra of digital and analog devices. Computers heavily rely on digital logic to mimic the analog world. Important thing to note here is that the world is analog and computers working on digital logic are always in a self correcting mode to reduce errors. The analog world works on the principle of flow.
Likewise there are two kinds of people. One of them being the analog types who develop an instinctive gut feel and work on their gut. They also sometimes call it the flow of life wherein they easily feel the situations and react instinctively in the correct manner. The analog kind of people when learn something keep that as a life long fact and never ever repeat mistakes, thus adding to their gut instincts.
Then comes the digital type. Everything for digital people is either 0 or 1. They build their complex logic and lines on the basis of either yes or no, either this or that. This doesn’t mean that they are always like that. They also have complex algorithms to understand when to be in doubt and when to be clear. But the basic flaw in digital people being that they are only trying to mimic the world on the basis of zeros and ones. To overcome this flaw the digital kind of people adopt strict corrective measures at all times so that the error in approximation is kept within limits. There are also thousands of external errors which if being completely new can cause the digital system to add huge errors to their system and still think that they are correct without even knowing that they don’t have a control system for the new kind of error. The control systems of digital people is not that robust as the analog type and thus the digital kind regularly needs some kind of maintenance and overhaul wherein the concerned people stay alone in an environment with virtually no interference and remove the systemic errors, fine tune themselves and make their systems more robust. Analog kind of people do these things unconsciously and that too in a very fast manner as they have developed a gut feel and gut feel is the best thing to work on.
P.S. A lot of control system terminology has been used in the above abstract and thus should be understood by knowing the correct meaning of the terminology.
Also this is an unedited version so might not be a perfect piece....

1 comment:

Miles to go before something dawns said...

waise raj ke kisse to iske baad aayenge in the next episode :P